Road Transport for Goods in International Traffic
We offer services of international transport for goods, full loads and groupage. We work with different manufacturers, starting from the production of shoes or furniture to consumer products. Because we know what production activity means and how important the transport time of the raw material is, we can also offer services of international transport for express cargo. Price offers are not part of the standard package. According to the clients’ requirements we can make personalized offers.
Also, we provide transport services of personal effects (moving and relocations), having trucks equipped with lift at the back that makes much easier this type of service. For any of the services offered you will receive expert advice from our team in order to take the best decisions.
Țările pe care le frecventăm sunt
Transport de mărfuri periculoase ADR
O parte din flota și personalul nostru sunt atestate și dotate pentru transportul de mărfuri ADR – colete/paleți.
Clasele de mărfuri periculoase pe care le transportăm sunt:
- Clasa 2.1, 2.2, 2.3
- Clasa 3
- Clasa 4.1, 4.2, 4.3
- Clasa 5.1, 5.2
- Clasa 6.1,
- Clasa 8 și clasa 9
Transport internațional România – Elveția – România
Oferim un serviciu de transport cu plecări săptămânale din România, Ungaria către Elveția și retur, camioane complete sau partide mici de marfă.
Livrăm și colectăm partide multiple de marfă pe întreg teritoriul Elveției.
Clienții noștri pot beneficia și de serviciile vamale ale bunurilor atât în Elveția cât și în România.
Oferim servicii de transport efecte personale (mutări și relocări in România și Europa), având camioane dotate cu lift la spate care va face mult mai facil acest tip de serviciu. Pentru oricare dintre serviciile oferite veți beneficia de consiliere din partea noastră pentru a lua cele mai bune decizii.
In our auto fleet we have latest generation utility vans and trucks, adapted for the transport of palletized and voluminous goods.
Utility vans with MTMA of 3.5T (1.5T of loading) with the following dimensions: 4.2/2.2/2.3 (H*W*D) – tarpaulins that can be loaded sideways, some of them equipped with back lift and hand pallet trucks
Trucks with MTMA 7.49T (3T of loading) with the following dimensions: 6.2/2.48/2.5 (H*W*D) – tarpaulins that can be loaded sideways, some of them equipped with back lift and hand pallet trucks
Small truck with MTMA 11.9T (5.2T of loading) with the following dimensions: 7.5/2.48/2.6 (H*W*D) – tarpaulins that can be loaded sideways, equipped with back lift and hand pallet trucks
Trucks with MTMA 40T (24.3T of loading) with the following dimensions: 13.6/2.48/3 (H*W*D) – tarpaulins that can be loaded sideways and on top, for the transport of voluminous goods (101mc).
Trucks with MTMA 40T (25.2T of loading) with the following dimensions: 13.6/2.48/2.48 (H*W*D) – tarpaulins that can be loaded sideways and on top. Also equipped for the transport of dangerous goods (packages).
Galerie foto
By the way we manage each situation and we apply our know-how, we can state that we are an asset for our partner and we bring value to their business.
Out partner’s clients must receive the goods in the best conditions and on time. First comes the products and the final beneficiary, and we make this connection possible at a high quality standard.
Our employees offer all the necessary support for signing transport contracts in Hungarian, Romanian and English.